My Favorites

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

It's Under Contract--downsizing

We signed the contract today, Celebration!!!  We are thrilled to have it sold and to be able to settle in and continue to sort boxes in our new "little" house.  Working on two houses at the same time is a challenge.  We so enjoyed this home, but it is time for a younger family to move in and enjoy the acres, trees and critters.  I'll be able to get back to my quilting and hubby can relax.  Have a great weekend and Happy Quilting!


  1. Congratulations! I have to laugh. . .everyone is talking about downsizing and hubby and I are looking for a bigger piece of land so that we can have a bigger house! LOL

    We have lived in a tiny house since we married. . .it was a fine size for me when I was single, but we really need a bigger kitchen and a little more "breathing" room.

    I hope your sale goes through without a hitch. Congratulations, again.

    1. Thanks so much and I wish you much success in finding your land for that big kitchen.
