My Favorites

Monday, May 15, 2017

Monday---Moment of Thought

Here's hoping you had an enjoyable Mother's Day.  Mine was relaxing, filled with sweet memories of my son, my grandson and my Mom.  My Mom lost her battle with Altzheimer's in 1995.  She didn't talk much and couldn't remember who I was.  But, I sure remembered her--and still do, especially on days like yesterday.

She was strong, smart, worked hard for what she had and accomplished much in her life.  She came from a very poor beginning in Arkansas.  She quit school at an early age because she had to work in the cotton fields.  But you would never guess.  She read all the time and created herself.  She created a business woman, an award winning seamstress, wonderful cook, homemaker and of course a great Mom.

 During WWII she worked in a defense plant--while my Dad was in Europe.  She taught herself how to drive.  Saved money while he was gone so they could buy a home when he returned from service.  I grew up in that home.  She always said "Those pennies turn into dollars".   She was a cosmetic buyer for a major department store in St Louis--while I was in grade school.  She helped my Dad create a successful business, during my middle school thru college years.  When my Dad died suddenly she held the business together until she could sell it for the price she wanted.  She was a wonderful Grandma--baby sat her grandson while I was teaching school and gave him special memories.

 Two weeks before my Dad died, he had said to me that something seemed wrong with Mom, but I couldn't see it.  I lived away from St. Louis at the time and was not around everyday.  But, by 1983 I began to see what my Dad had noticed years before.  Everything they say about Altzheimer's is true.  It is a terrible disease for both the victim and the caregiver, it robs so much.   With all the ups and downs of Altzheimer's  I have one most precious memory.  Christmas 1993, my husband, son and myself went to the care center where she lived.  She was eating lunch, the disease had taken her ability to feed herself and a nurse was helping her.  I walked in room, she had her back to me and did not know I was there.  She looked up at the nurse and said "I sure love my daughter".  The nurse and I just stared at each other.  It was like time had stopped--my Mom had not spoken for months maybe even a year.  It was the best Christmas present I have ever received.  I have been so blessed to have had a woman like her for a Mom.

She is why I quilt.  She made beautiful applique quilts.  She has always been an inspiration.  I am not the needlework person she was, but she instilled in me the joy of working with fabrics, threads and my imagination.  Thank You Mom!     Wishing you all sweet memories and Happy Quilting!

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