My Favorites

Friday, August 2, 2024

Slow Stitching


Home from our little vacation.  Now doing some slow stitching and relaxing while watching the Olympics.  Not sure which I enjoy more.  Do you slow stitch?

Since, I'm basically a hand quilter, I have been slow stitching for years.  Recently, I've been working on smalls, perfect for watching TV or while riding in the car going here and there.  If you have not tried to slow stitch here is how you start.

What is fun about slow stitching is you don't have to have a plan.  Let your fabric and trims just lead the way.  
First, start by cutting a piece of fabric any size you would like 8" x 11" is a good size to start.  This is your backing fabric.
Then, gather scrap fabrics, lace, trims, buttons anything that you have that can be stitched.  
Of course, don't for get threads and needle.  When it comes to threads you can use sewing thread, quilting thread,  embroidery thread, wools of any type.  Just what ever you would like.

Now, place one or two pieces of fabric how ever you would like on your backing fabric.  You can pin it in place, glue stick it in place or just hold it and begin stitching.  The running stitch is my favorite stitch, but you can use any embroidery stitch to enhance the look of you creation.

Just continue to place fabric and embellishments to get the look that you like, stitch and enjoy!

Here are a few examples I made years ago.  Running stitch can accent an applique.
There is also the option of using both machine and slow stitching.  I like this technique--it gives an added depth.
Weaving a backing is always fun too!

What ever option you use it will work.  The purpose of slow stitching is just that, slow down in our busy world and stitch.  You'll be surprised how relaxing it can be and how it allows you mind to just wonder and ponder. 

  Happy Stitching!

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