My Favorites

Monday, June 1, 2020

Tooth Keeper

The Tooth Fairy will be making  stops at our house soon.  Short Stuff announced last night that he had a loose tooth.  I remember when his Dad lost his first tooth.  It was a little sad for me, as I realized my "little boy" was growing up.  Well, Short Stuff is on that same road to growing up.
After a long discussion about the Tooth Fairy, I decided a "Tooth Keeper" was in order.

It is a little rustic, but Short Stuff likes it and that is all that is important.  My embroidery skills are weak.   All I did was make a pattern, found three pieces of material.  White of course, a second piece of white (in my case I used a double knit) and then a novelty print with a solid piece for the pocket.
The pocket can be stitched on the back before assembly.  But I decided to do some hand stitching after I forgot to put the pocket on first.

Then, all I did was machine stitch about a 1/4" around the tooth leaving a raw edge.  Of course, you could make it like a pillow and put right sides together and turn.  Either way a tooth keeper is a great way to have fun with the Tooth Fairy visits.  Happy Quilting!!