My Favorites

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Sleep Deprived

Sleep deprived, sick Short Stuff and it's snowing outside.  My past two days have been crazy.  Friday night, I'm not sure why I just could not sleep.  Nothing on my mind--just could not get to sleep.  Saturday was a day of big plans and they were great.  We took Short Stuff to see the Air-Force Band Christmas Concert.  It was wonderful, he had a good time.  At the end of the concert they called up all the children to conduct the band in Jingle BellsShort Stuff did great and felt really special.  Fixed a fun dinner and we all settled in--for what I thought would be a quiet evening of sleep for me.  Wrong!!  At about 12:30 Short Stuff comes in our room crying his ear hurt.  I spent the rest of the evening doing ear first aid.  Maybe, 3 hours sleep add to my 4 hours the night before.  I'm feeling great.  Urgent Care opened at 8:00 this morning, we were the first in line.  With it being a weekend and St. Louis is scheduled to have up to 4" of snow today and tomorrow, I knew we had to get that ear taken care of ASAP.  Entered Urgent Care with a temp and a ear pain, left with no temp and feeling like his old self.  He's had a breakfast, now watching TV and had a dose of his meds.  I'm making a pot of Chili and letting it simmer, then heading for my recliner and I hope some shut eye.
Hope you have a great Sunday.  Familypatchworks Happiness!

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