My Favorites

Monday, August 21, 2017

Monday Moment of Thought

This little art mini quilt I made years ago for Alzheimer's Art Quilt Initiative.  It represented the earth--always changing.   I used it in yesterdays Sunday--Precious Moment post and today it seems to be appropriate for my Monday Thoughts.

Our world is spinning almost uncontrollably.  Internationally, nationally, personally and today universally things are out of  our control or is it?  This is total eclipse day for our area of the country. The excitement is in full swing, even though clouds my block the view.  The international and national news of unrest and turmoil is getting scary.  Personally change is happening at a fast pace--hubby and I are trying to keep up, trying to stay calm and move forward.

Peace is the key to all of these uncontrollable events.  I must keep that in mind.  I must dwell on the positive and not give in to negative thoughts.  That is easier to do on the non-personal events, but when it gets to personal issues, negative thoughts are hard to push away.  I've noticed lately I wake up with negative thoughts before I even get out of bed---not good.  Have you ever been in a situation like that?  I'm even feeling a little sick and I know that's from the stress and my own negative thoughts.  That has to stop and it is going to stop today.  I think that is the reason I decided to write about it today in my Monday Moment of Thought.  I plan to fill my heart with gratitude, trust and peace knowing that the good Lord has a plan and this is part of that plan.  As I concentrate on my personal peace, may peace be with you and as always Happy Quilting!

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