My Favorites

Friday, August 26, 2016

National Dog Day

Keesha's Quilt Block
Bo's Mini Quilt
Today is National Dog Day and being a true dog lover I thought I would reflect and remember the dogs I have loved and those who have loved me.  Being an only child, a dog was truly my best friend and always a part of my life.  In fact, I have always had a dog, sometimes more than one.  Today my hubby and I have two dogs.  My dog, Bo and his dog, Maggie.

Maggie is the Yellow Lab and a rescue.  She appears to be about 12 years old.  Bo is a Black Lab mix and a dog that picked me when he was a puppy, I don't think, I have ever had a dog love me so much.  Bo is 10 years old this month.  Bo is my quilting dog. He is always in my sewing room when quilt tops are being made.  It is such an honor to be loved by a dog.  Sounds silly, but they have given me so much through the years:  companionship, peace and a soft understanding heart to help when I was broken or bruised.

Dogs will be what their humans make them.  They adapt well to what you, their pack leader, want them to be.  Saying that, I do believe that there are no "bad dogs".  Just owners that have not taken the time to research the traits of the breed--so that the dog can fit the owner's lifestyle, or an owner that is not taking the time to train the dog properly or an owner that abuses, neglects or uses the dog for their personal benefit without concern for the dog's well being.  All these elements can create a non-social dog that the public labels "bad dogs".  I would encourage a second look at the history of ownership.

In honor of National Dog Day, here are the dogs who have loved me.

Skipper-my first dog, Cocker Spaniel
Beauty-Rough Collie
Tammy-the dog of my youth thru young married life (looked just like Lassie) a Rough Collie
Belle, Trixie, and Boone-wish they had been with me longer
Pebbles-German Shepard, and our son's first dog.  She was a hero, she helped the local police department catch a stalker back in 1974.  She was much loved by many people. The night before she passed away this big dog climbed into my lap--I believe to say good-bye.
Keesha-Keeshond, a rescue she taught me more about the training of dogs than any of the others.
Otis-Black & Tan Coonhound, house dog that was a great protector and ran our household for many years.  He was also a rescue.  From him I learned the devotion of a male dog.
Bodhi-Siberian Husky, a rescue with tons of personality
Bear-Yellow Lab, rescue dog.  He was devoted to my hubby.  They were together until the end.  It was very difficult for my hubby to give up Bear, but the time had come for that decision.  Hubby believes that they will meet again at the Rainbow Bridge, so do I.

They were all so special in their own way and I am smiling now with a few tears as I remember all of them.  Bo and Maggie are now teaching our Grandson, Parker, the special love of a dog.

Maggie and Parker

Bo and Parker
Yes, he's a gentle giant!

 Dogs Love Dogs, too.
Happy National Dog Day!! 
 Love a Dog!!  

I have used the inspiration of my dogs in quilts, other have too.  Check out Off the Wall Friday to see great quilting inspirations.  Happy Quilting!


  1. Happy dog day to Bo and Maggie from Summer and Zu Zu! I too am a huge dog lover. My dogs are truly my best friends. I spend more time with them and talk to them more than any human. Most ft the time they agree with whatever I say too :-) the only negative is that they don't live as long as we do so we have to say goodbye and make that horrible decision . They give us years of joy and then one day of the worse day of your life but they are worth it. I had to say goodbye to my rough collie, Abbey at the beginning of the summer. It was hard but luckily I have the other two. Let's celebrate national dog day by taking a nice long walk in the woods and chase some squirrels!

    1. Sorry to hear about your loss of Abbey, I agree that is the worse day ever. Enjoy today with Summer and Zu Zu. A walk sounds wonderful. :-)
