My Favorites

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Life Has Been Busy


Wow, life had been busy in this patchwork home.  Many of you who have followed me for a while, know that we are helping (95% of the time) raise our Grandson, who lost his mother when he was 5.  Well, our boy is now 10 and a true Baseball Player.  He plays for two teams and between games, and practice we are busy.  Anyway, my weekly plan of putting things in the shop fell behind this past week.  So, today I completed my additions.

There is a true variety to look at today.  I've added Halloween novelty print fabrics, Mug Rugs, Vintage Embroidery blocks, Cutter Doll Quilt, Table Runner.  A real variety.  Hope you will have time in your busy life to check it out and maybe start a slow stitching project.  

We are headed to another baseball game tonight.  Wish us luck.  We won last night 15-2, maybe we have the start of a streak.  Happy Stitching!!

Friday, August 16, 2024

What Quilt Dreams are Made Of


  I've added three books to the shop today.  I have enjoyed these books, but it is time to re-home them.  I don't know about you but I enjoy looking a quilts and quilt patterns.  A lot of my quilting ideas come from books.  I'm not a big pattern follower, but I like to take a pattern, tweak it to my liking and start sewing. Bright Quilts from Down Under is a happy colorful quilt book.  Great patterns.  Quick Quilts is a great book for projects (with instructions, of course).  Finally, Folk Art Quilts gives a new look to the Folk Art quilt, which I really like.  If you need ideas check it out.  All my items have Free Shipping.    Happy Stitching!

Friday, August 9, 2024

Something Old into Something New

Offering a collection of vintage men's ties in the shop today.  These silk ties are from the 40-50's.  I found them at a tag sale years ago.  Someone took the time to split the ties apart.  
They would make a beautiful addition to a slow stitch project.
I have a couple of slow stitch projects still in the works.  Another mug rug and the Christmas lap quilt I mentioned in a earlier post.  I didn't have the opportunity to work on it like I had planned over our little vacation.  But, I still have more Olympics to watch, soooo maybe then.
Happy Stitching!



Sunday, August 4, 2024

Friday, August 2, 2024

Slow Stitching


Home from our little vacation.  Now doing some slow stitching and relaxing while watching the Olympics.  Not sure which I enjoy more.  Do you slow stitch?

Since, I'm basically a hand quilter, I have been slow stitching for years.  Recently, I've been working on smalls, perfect for watching TV or while riding in the car going here and there.  If you have not tried to slow stitch here is how you start.

What is fun about slow stitching is you don't have to have a plan.  Let your fabric and trims just lead the way.  
First, start by cutting a piece of fabric any size you would like 8" x 11" is a good size to start.  This is your backing fabric.
Then, gather scrap fabrics, lace, trims, buttons anything that you have that can be stitched.  
Of course, don't for get threads and needle.  When it comes to threads you can use sewing thread, quilting thread,  embroidery thread, wools of any type.  Just what ever you would like.

Now, place one or two pieces of fabric how ever you would like on your backing fabric.  You can pin it in place, glue stick it in place or just hold it and begin stitching.  The running stitch is my favorite stitch, but you can use any embroidery stitch to enhance the look of you creation.

Just continue to place fabric and embellishments to get the look that you like, stitch and enjoy!

Here are a few examples I made years ago.  Running stitch can accent an applique.
There is also the option of using both machine and slow stitching.  I like this technique--it gives an added depth.
Weaving a backing is always fun too!

What ever option you use it will work.  The purpose of slow stitching is just that, slow down in our busy world and stitch.  You'll be surprised how relaxing it can be and how it allows you mind to just wonder and ponder. 

  Happy Stitching!

Friday, July 19, 2024

Little Vacation


We are off on a little week long VACATION.  The shop will be reopened on Saturday July 27.  Taking along a Christmas Lap Whole Cloth Quilt to hand quilt and offer for sale in the shop.  So stay tuned.  Hope everyone has a great week.  Happy Stitching!!

Friday, July 12, 2024

Vintage Discovery


YO-YOs My discovery for the week.  These yo-yos are 2" in size and made with vintage 1940-50's fabric.  I didn't make these, but found them in a tag sale years ago.  I sorted some by color and pattern. There is a group of Purple, Blue, Pink and a cute Red Pattern plus, of course a pile of 39 in various colors (see photo).   Hope you'll stop by the shop and check them out.  Happy Stitching!

Friday, July 5, 2024

Happy Day AFTER the 4th


Hope everyone had a great 4th of July.  We did!! Even though the weather was "iffy" with rain and the atmosphere was muggy, we were able to BBQ and our grandson and his dad shot of fireworks before the big display that we are able to watch from our front porch.  So, all was good!!
I put a few things in the shop today, a real variety.  Prayer Flag, Buttons, Slow Stitch Snippets,  Marking Kit,  Quilt Book.  I'm getting into this schedule of adding to the shop on Friday. Check it out.  More to come.  Happy Stitching!!

Friday, June 28, 2024

Happy Friday!!


Happy Friday everyone!  It has been almost a month since I have started blogging again and sorting through my sewing room.  I'm finding more things that I had totally forgotten about.  During this process, which is just beginning, I've discovered that the best thing for me to do it to establish a day for entering things into my Etsy shop.  So, Friday is restock day. My plan is to have new items in the shop before Noon CST. Hoping this plan with help me continue to organize and sort. Those of you interested, now have a special time to check out my latest finds.

Today I listed two mini art quilts I made years ago.  They were made just to have fun and for no special reason.  Both are no more that 12" long and 6" wide and this includes hanger and beads.  Both are hand quilted.  Check it out!!   Happy Stitching!!

Monday, June 24, 2024

A Non-Fabric Treasure Found


As I go through all the many boxes and bins of fabric, sometimes I find a treasure  not related.  This morning I added a bag of Alpha Beads to the shop.  Not sure where this even came from or why I bought it.  Great for jewelry making, bracelets for a young person.  Perfect summer activity on theses HOT July days. 

Happy Stitching!! or Bracelet Making!!

Friday, June 21, 2024

It's Like Christmas


Downsizing, finding treasures, sorting, what ever you call it.  I find it fun and full of memories.  This is one of the first slow stitching projects I attempted.  For years I have been following Jude Hill.  I adore her work and her whimsical approach to her beautiful quilt art.  I decided to follow her lead and quilt with out batting and move as the fabric speaks to me.  Not sure if that is exactly the way Jude does it, but it is the way Jan does it.  This little quilt is what happened, lots of stitches in this one.  It measures 11 x 11 1/2 inches and has been packed away for 17 years.  Would make a great table topper or candle mat.  It's in the shop looking for a new home.  Happy Stitching!

Thursday, June 20, 2024

Treasure Hunt Continues


Yesterday was a day of sorting.  I've been going through boxes and bins.  I continue to search my vintage fabrics, trims and what-nots as I have more than I could ever use, where does it all come from?? I'm making these treasures available in my shop.  I've added some great coffee themed blocks, as set of buttons from the Noah Ark collection and project labels.  Stop by and browse.  Happy Stitching!

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Look What I Found!!


Going through boxes of fabric I found these and a few more, vintage quilt blocks.  Perfect for that slow stitch project.  I'll be adding these and a few others to my shop today at 2:00 pm CST.  Hope you stop by and browse.  Happy Stitching!

Saturday, June 1, 2024

Oh My Gosh!!


I didn't realize it has been over 2 years since I last entered a post on my blog.  Life has a way of sending us curve balls that alter our plans and sometimes our dreams.  I think, I'm back on track to post and enjoy my quilting and slow stitch projects again.  

With that being said, I'm planning on opening my Etsy shop,  That too, has been unused for about 2 years.  I will feature vintage fabrics, trims and small treasures that can be used for slow stitching, quilting, or craft projects.  My collection of fabrics and trims are out of hand, and I will never be able to stitch with all of it--so I'll be offering it to others.  Hope you will stop by and browse.  I will be adding things daily as time allows to build a variety to choose from.  Happy Stitching!