My Favorites

Monday, March 17, 2025

Happy St. Pat Day!!


Hope everyone is having a beautiful St. Patty's Day.  The weather is sunny and crisp here in the St. Louis area.  Looking for things to get warmer tomorrow.  As always, life interfered with me getting more items in the Etsy shop.  As many of you know we have a very active part in the life of our 11 year old grandson.  Last week and this week are packed full of activities before Spring Break.  He is in the 5th grade Concert and a Periodic Table Fashion Show.  His Dad is presently looking for an Oxford shirt for the Concert which is tomorrow.  The fashion show requires him to design a shirt.  Well, he has designed his shirt around his element Lead, and you can guess who is in charge of making that shirt happen.  Plus, add the normal activities of the household.  It has been crazy.  I was able to create a Sale for the items in the shop now.  Just check back off and on after this week for additions.  I'll be stitching this week hope you will be too!  Happy Stitching!

Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Glad to be Back!!


It's nice to be back on my blog.  Between a laptop that needed some TLC and loosing all my blog information and a household that has been either sick or having surgery, I have been busy.  Everyone is healthy and stitches have been removed, so I'm getting back to normal. 

Etsy account has been neglected during this time too!  Next week, Friday,  would be a good time to check the shop.  I should have some new items uploaded by then.  Hope everyone had a good February.  This month I'm starting a Christmas Quilt for the church Bazaar in November.  I'm just piecing the top and the quilt circle will do the quilting.  Plan to cut one day and piece the next.  I'll post my progress.  We're calling the quilt Christmas Barn Stars.  We were blessed with a donation of a variety of Christmas motif fabrics and thought they would make a great quilt.  I did have to buy some white backing fabric.  So, went to our local Joann's -- the shelves were bare.  Luckily, Hobby Lobby had just want I needed and at 40% off.  

Wishing everyone a great day on this Ash Wednesday.  Happy Stitching!

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

This is How it Started

Those of you who have clicked on my Etsy shop may have noticed the art quilt I have for sale entitled Dogs and Dots.  I thought you might like to see how it started.  I was at a tag sale and picked up some whimsical 9-patch quilt blocks. At the time I was getting involved with liberated quilts.  So thought I was give it a try with on of the cute quilt blocks. 

I decided to try the liberated saw tooth pattern for my first round of this little medallion quilt.

The second round was just a solid black strip to divide the center block.  Then with just the thought of color red and a green with dots.  I made a few liberated blocks to sprinkle in my strips.

Finally I added a small black and white border, another solid black round and a round of whimsy.  To add more whimsy to the quilt I fussy cut some dogs playing with buttons and flowers with button accents.  The dogs and flowers were added using stitch witchery. 

The little quilt was fun to make and it allowed me to try some liberated thoughts.  Later that year, I saw where a town south of St. Louis was having a quilt show.  Just a small one, so I decided to enter.

I had never entered a show before and I thought this little one would be a good way to start.  My little quilt won in the Innovative Wall Quilt category.  Since, hubby and I are in our down sizing mode and I have been reevaluating my sewing room.  The little quilt needs a new home to make a wall happy.   

Friday, January 17, 2025



I made this little block years ago.  I really enjoyed the process.  The Keeshond was hand drawn by me with fabric pins.  We had a Keeshond at the time and I just loved her fluff.  The bee is embroidery again completed years ago.  I also loved and still do love the liberated quilt making, so liberated log cabins add a touch of whimsy.  I've added this block and a few other fines to the shop today.  Hope you will go check it out and maybe consider some slow stitching.  Happy Stitching!

Friday, January 3, 2025

Anyone into Needlepoint??


Many years ago Needlepoint was my thing.  I loved making belts, pillows and framed pieces.  But, as time went by I moved into quilting and I have not looked back.  I have just stumbled on to some incomplete Needlepoint pieces.  I've just put them in the shop.  So if you need a small project that is almost finished check out the new entries in the shop.  Might be just the thing with this pending deep freeze and snow that is predicted.  Happy Stitching!

Thursday, January 2, 2025


Wishing everyone a Happy New Year in 2025.  Hope your holidays were pleasant.  I was fighting the Christmas Flu that seems to be going around, the week before Christmas.  Luckily, I was feeling much better and could celebrate Christmas with family and friends.  The cough continued for another week and now I have an off and on ear ache.  I'm sure it will all be gone soon.  Not much stitching getting done.  But, some sorting and ideas for the Etsy shop.  So stayed tuned and you should see some things being added in the next two weeks.  The photo is from a Round Robin Quilt Challenge I participated in a few years ago.  I passed the quilt on to the Alzheimer Art Quilt Initiative.  The little quilts were then sold with 100% of the money going to Alzheimer research.  My little quilts sold for a total of over $4,000.  The Initiative was closed when the contributions reached one million dollars.  Check out the shop every now and then, changes will start soon.  Happy Stitching!!

Wednesday, November 27, 2024

Happy Thanksgiving

 Wishing You and Yours a very
Happy Thanksgiving

Wednesday, November 20, 2024

New Addition


Snuggle Up is a whole cloth Wall hanging/Lap Quilt.  This little quilt has been started and comes with batting, backing and some stitches.  The quilt does not include binding.  I will be adding to the shop today.  Enjoy slow stitching this little quilt for yourself or a friend.  Happy Stitching!!

Friday, November 1, 2024

Decisions, Decisions, Decisions


These past few days have been spent in thought.  I'm trying to decide the best way to sell my many fabric and sewing items.  I've been working on this project for years.  I've collected so many things and have some creative ideas past and present that I would like to rehome.  So I open my Etsy shop or I put something on eBay in our collectible store in the Needlework category.  I've sold a few things on Etsy and I love the look of that sight.  But, I have trouble finding ways to get people to my shop or maybe the competition is so large that my little shop gets lost in the mix.  Anyway, I'm trying eBay again.  My hubby and I have been selling on eBay since 1998, so I have a better knowledge of listing practices.  Plus eBay offers a reference page that the seller can use to see the selling price of like items.  The feature helps with pricing.

So if you are inclined to do so the shop link it will now move you to eBay.  The Etsy shop link is I will have items in both places for awhile. Check them out!! 
I've added some heart patches to the eBay site with more items to come in the next week.  
Have a great weekend and Happy Stitching!

Thursday, October 24, 2024

I'm Still Here~!!!


I'm Here, but extremely busy.  So sorry I have not posted lately.  I always want to try to post on Fridays, but  having a 10 year old grandson to keep organized with, baseball, homework, church activities and of course  Halloween, I lost track of time.  Anyone new to my blog may not be aware that our Grandson has been with us now for 5 years, since his Mother passed.  We all have a very active part in his life. Dad, Grandpa and Me.  He is a fun guy and we enjoy him 24/7.  Hubby and I say he is keeping us young and on our toes.  
The photo is of a quilt my church group did a few years ago.  The quilt was purchased in a Silent Auction.  It's called Engagement Ring.  Thought you all may like to see it, I have never seen this pattern before.  It was very pretty after quilted.
My hope is that next week I will have an update in my Etsy Shop of snippets, small art quilts, Holiday fabrics, knob hangers and smalls.   Check the shop next Friday November 1 for the completed update.  
Until then Happy Stitching!!

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Life Has Been Busy


Wow, life had been busy in this patchwork home.  Many of you who have followed me for a while, know that we are helping (95% of the time) raise our Grandson, who lost his mother when he was 5.  Well, our boy is now 10 and a true Baseball Player.  He plays for two teams and between games, and practice we are busy.  Anyway, my weekly plan of putting things in the shop fell behind this past week.  So, today I completed my additions.

There is a true variety to look at today.  I've added Halloween novelty print fabrics, Mug Rugs, Vintage Embroidery blocks, Cutter Doll Quilt, Table Runner.  A real variety.  Hope you will have time in your busy life to check it out and maybe start a slow stitching project.  

We are headed to another baseball game tonight.  Wish us luck.  We won last night 15-2, maybe we have the start of a streak.  Happy Stitching!!

Friday, August 16, 2024

What Quilt Dreams are Made Of


  I've added three books to the shop today.  I have enjoyed these books, but it is time to re-home them.  I don't know about you but I enjoy looking a quilts and quilt patterns.  A lot of my quilting ideas come from books.  I'm not a big pattern follower, but I like to take a pattern, tweak it to my liking and start sewing. Bright Quilts from Down Under is a happy colorful quilt book.  Great patterns.  Quick Quilts is a great book for projects (with instructions, of course).  Finally, Folk Art Quilts gives a new look to the Folk Art quilt, which I really like.  If you need ideas check it out.  All my items have Free Shipping.    Happy Stitching!

Friday, August 9, 2024

Something Old into Something New

Offering a collection of vintage men's ties in the shop today.  These silk ties are from the 40-50's.  I found them at a tag sale years ago.  Someone took the time to split the ties apart.  
They would make a beautiful addition to a slow stitch project.
I have a couple of slow stitch projects still in the works.  Another mug rug and the Christmas lap quilt I mentioned in a earlier post.  I didn't have the opportunity to work on it like I had planned over our little vacation.  But, I still have more Olympics to watch, soooo maybe then.
Happy Stitching!



Sunday, August 4, 2024