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Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Prayer Flags for Parker

Parker at Easter
Our little Parker leaves tomorrow morning with his Mom and Dad for the Shriner's Hospital in Chicago.    Parker was born with a clef lip.  The doctor's say that on a scale of 1-10 (with 10 being the worst), Parker's lip is a 1 and his surgeries should be very easy.  Easy or not, this is a scary time for Mom and Dad.  I thought a couple of little Pocket Prayer Flags might help them on their trip to Chicago.

The whistling fisherman is for Mom and measures 4 inches square. 

I made a much smaller one for our son (Parker's Dad) so he could put it in his pocket. 
 It's only 2 x 3 inches.
If you're so inclined, say a little prayer for everyone as they embark on this journey.  Parker's surgery will be Friday.  For the doctor's skill, for Mom and Dad's patience, peace and strength during Parker's time of need and for Parker's uncomplicated recovery.  Thank you and wishing you a happy day.
Happy Quilting!

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